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Adding Pages Redesigning This Site

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We have added many pages in the last few days.  And will continue to add pages in the coming months.

Notice how the menu opens at “Our Services”

Now there are three submenus – Offensive, Defensive Cybersecurity services, and Reports.



Offensive Cybersecurity Services

We test – audit your environment to make you safer  with our 4 security service products: A(Alpha), Σ(Sigma)Ω(Omega), and Ψ(Psi)

Reports for the test audits

The Alpha(A) service   – Report Alpha

The Sigma(Σ) Service    –  Report Sigma

The Omega(Ω) Service  – Report Omega

The Psi(Ψ) Service – or Wifi – Report Psi

Defensive Cybersecurity Services

Cloud Company evaluations

Social Enginering Knowledge

Offense Has Advantage – We Must Analyze Logs

Security and PCI compliance is part of defense

Security Policies (Network, Computers, and More) 

Cybersecurity Consulting Services  (another submenu)

What does it mean Certified Ethical Hacker ?

Explaining the hacker attack cycle to understand how the criminals are battering against your castle (your network)  This section could be a bit technical.

Why Test your systems?