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April-May Spring Cleaning

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Worried about Cybersecurity?  Or do you want to improve your Cybersecurity program?

With the new Facebook data leak scandal in the spotlight – are you concerned over how your company deals with customer data?


Our latest blogpost at Oversitesentry: discusses what could happen as the new EU privacy regulations are going to be enforced.

Make no mistake the regulations in America will also change (towards Cyber privacy).  As self-regulation has not worked for the industry.

You may have needed a security policy for PCI(Payment Card Industry) compliance in the past, but you will likely need a way to write down what your policies are, hence the need for a security policy for many regulations today and tomorrow.

Good news on that front  –  At we have a spring cleaning special April – through May   we will offer our Alpha scan at half price.

If you are in need to just discuss some Cybersecurity first – contact us and the half off – still stands.  Half off consulting time and material up to 10 hours.


There are many projects we are involved in, but we have a strict policy of not discussing our projects with the world. For the right project, we are willing to make monetary concessions so that we can use your project as an example on our marketing efforts.   We would never divulge details just general items such as:

Company ABC has improved security policy – performed Alpha scan due diligence.



CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor®