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Want Internet? Then Cybersecurity is a Must

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If you want to use the Internet then you must know now you are within arms length of all people with a computer in this world, which is more than 3Billion people.

internetusersimage from website¹

Can you imagine being within a block of 3 Billion people (good and bad).

You must understand that whenever you use the Internet you are connected to 3 Billion people which means what?

It means that if 2% of the people are criminals in the seediest parts of the world then you are connected to 60 million criminals and some of these are _very_ sophisticated criminals. So everyone that connects to the Internet must have a sophisticated operation or it is a matter of time before disaster approaches.


As I have explained on my blog oversitesentry.com² – it is as if you are loading a X barrel gun (the X is dependent on how serious you are in your defense).

1000gunbarrelsis it a 500 barrel gun? or 1000barrels?

If you are loading a 500 barrel gun then every time you connect you are playing Cybersecurity roulette. Boom – missed today. whew…

But tomorrow is another day – will you have a vulnerability? Or go on a bad(infected) website?

The more computers you have the more risk you have.  the more you use the Internet the more risk you bear.

What have the criminals done? They are putting resources into areas which make them more money:


Above image from DarkReading.com³

So this is a problem – we need the Internet in 2016 and beyond, but we are also connecting to many bad elements.  A business needs to be sophisticated as well. You need a high degree of defense to keep up with the attackers, there is no way around it.


It has to do with risk analysis, next gen firewall, patching your systems on a timely basis, anti-virus, vulnerability analysis, testing your systems and more.

Contact Us to discuss all these details.

