I found “Too late You’re Hacked” a very interesting read. This is good basic information that small business managers should pay attention to.
Of particular note was in the beginning of the book where you describe who is attacking and why because far too many companies think this
is never going to happen to them!
Risk management was covered and this is a topic, once again, that too many companies ignore. Quite honestly setting up a risk management
procedure or system is not very complicated but “you have to do it and you have to manage it”. I liked that point of view.
This book covers all good basic principles needed to properly defend your small business network and computers.
I found this book book an easy read and it is not directed at the highly skilled network guru’s but of course it can be used by them.
This book is directed towards a person wanting to explore what they need to start to look at to defend their small business network and
computers and for that I give it a high grade.
Mike K. with LinMot USA
Also check the following page on this site for more on the book: https://fixvirus.com/order-book/

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