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How to create a more secure Work-home place.

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One does not have to be on the cutting edge of technology to be secure.

But, in my hacking classes (where we try to attack other computers with Metasploit it is  obvious very quickly that with a patched machine, even a WindowsXP system it is much harder to crack.

Now of course, WindowsXP happens to be almost obsolete. On April 8th Microsoft has said it will no longer support updates to Microsoft WindowsXP operating system. Here is a link for Enterprises to help with the transition away from WindowsXP.

So other than End Of Life Oepraitng systems one does not need to stay up on the latest OS, to have a secure computer, just keep up with the patches and you will be more secure than many others.

the key is to review your systems and network environment for unknown gotchas.

Contact Us as we can help with your review process.  Our products:

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