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Computer Security in 2019

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Is it important to focus on Security? How much should we pay attention to Computer Security? Can we relegate Computer Security or as some coin the phrase ‘Cybersecurity’ to an afterthought? Or at least a small line item in the plan for 2019!

Your company could have a serious problem if circumstances cause problems to cascade to a dangerous level.

So ‘IF’ there is a ransomware attack on the most important data that we use, and we cannot recover the data(for whatever reason) is that important enough to pay more attention?

As the image above notes in six months we could be out of business if we did not prepare properly setting up backups for our data. Sometimes ransomware just destroys data and it cannot be recovered.

Contact us to get someone to review your backup plans and more to make sure that your business will be viable even after a ransomware attack.