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CES show:Security by Design – Vulnerability Assessment

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New Fixvirus Security Show Jan9 on vulnerability Assessment in Tip of day as well as News of Day CES show quotes …

Some of the quotes I already researched on my Blog:

News of Day:

FTC chairwoman commissioner Edith Ramirez’ opening remarks at the CES show on the 6th of January.

We are told that, in 2015, the world will have 25 billion connected devices; the number of smart home devices will reach nearly 25
million; and IoT software platforms will “become the rage”
But we have also been warned that 2015 will be the year we start hearing about smart-home hacking.”
I heard the headlines about the privacy aspect of the IoT (Internet of Things) but also in her statements she discussed security risks of IoT. She poses a valid concern, security in the IoT space has not been thought about for decades, so as we start introducing all of these devices everywhere (home and business) there should be a focus of Security by Design, instead of functionality first.
And finally the chairwoman finishes with:
As is evident here this week, companies are investing billions of dollars in this growing industry; they should also make appropriate investments in privacy and security.“


vulnerability Assessment in tip of day –


SVAPE& C comes from the Mandiant report diagram:



I talk about more of SVAPE & C


Scan first, Vulnerability Assessment next, Penetrate and Exploit systems, Control the systems until you take back or he sell

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