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Book Report 1/27/21

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My Book titled: Too Late You’re Hacked! – Defending Your Small Business’ Computers and Networks

Stage 4 editing – which means I reviewed their comments and fixed some more contextual issues, some clarity issues, and others. Indicated 15 items to watch when publishing software has manuscript.

Grammar editing is next (not sure how long that will take), but the manuscript at 41k words needs a once over with a grammar expert.

The steps after that will consist of the manuscript moving off the Word platform(8.5” x 11”) into the Book publisher software. (the book will be 6” x  9”) here is where we will find out how many pages it will be. With 38 illustrations, and 91 citations, an appendix with a glossary, and  a PCI outline.

We are not done yet but I see the light at end of the tunnel.

Cover art is being worked on – the following is the basic media image with a logo placeholder.